Thursday, December 10, 2009

This is English Class?

When starting English 111 I was in total and complete dread based of my previous experiences in English. Not really having any expectations other then to improve my writing and English 11 is required for my degree I signed up for my first college English class. I was pleasantly surprised at the type of work Paul let us use our creative skills in our writing and I actually came to like English a whole lot more than I used too. I learned more than I thought I would based on first impressions and am thank full that i had Paul as an Instructor. Some of the most interesting things we did in class and that I learned in class occurred when we had the discussion after watching the Movie sicko. In this discussion I learned that words written down can spoken and printed can have far reaching effects, all based on the power of presentation and the way that you present your argument. I also learned a lot from the multitude of short video clips that Paul had us watch as one of our homework assignments, all were very eye opening, specifically the poem that was read from top to bottom that sounded horribly negative, but when read from bottom to top, was a complete turn around from the tone that was said when read from top to bottom.
There are some recommendations that I would make to Paul concerning, the syllabus and the multitude of changes that occurred to it. This was extremely hard for someone taking a full load of classes to keep up with and I do recommend that when the syllabus is put out it isint changed, a one time revision is cool; but anymore than that its hard to keep on the same page as Paul. With this being said i would also recommend a homework assignment sheet, with names of assignments on the paper and when they are due.

This all being said I would still highly recommend Paul as a English Professor. I learned without even knowing it, and the ways in which you learn are very eye opening and in my opinion make you want to learn more. I would take note that the work although not hard, does take up considerable time. There is no way you can expect to be a procrastinator and complete most of the assignments on time. So be prepared when taking pauls class that there is a hefty amount of time, spent typing on a keyboard for this class. My situation in class was a bit different than most of my fellow students, as i missed 6 weeks of class, due to traveling for work. This being said Paul gave me more than ample time to make up my work, and get it turned in before the end of the course. With this being said, the fact that you cannot miss one single assignment, is hard to comprehend. For example if you have 10 assignments and have all A's on them, and forget to turn in one paper you fail the class. There is zero room for any leeway on this. To a certain extent I understand this but at the same time to a point I don't. If a student is not willing to do an assignment for whatever reason, simply deduct the points and assign them a grade.
I would like to finally add that Paul opened my eyes to a lot of things that I never realized, and that even though I write like I talk, you can still put that into proper and correct English and even MLA format. Something that before stepping into his class I didn't think was really possible. Overall I would highly recommend Paul for any of the classes he teaches and I hope you learn as much as I have.

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